Sunday, October 22, 2006

Digital versus analogue drawing

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usDrawing on a sheet of paper is definitely different from drawing with a stylus on an art tablet and a computer screen. There is no direct connection with the computer, compared to the pencil and paper, only an indirect connection. Your brain has to make the translation. So you have to get used to this type of drawing.

The advantage is that you have suddenly an enormous wealth of media at your disposal. Okay, it's not as cheap as paper and pencil, afterall, you need a computer, an art tablet and a natural media drawing program, but the advantages outway the disadvantages. I can understand why so many artist go digital.

You've probably noticed that I've started drawing squares as well and filled some of the shapes with color. I think I have improved much from yesterday's drawing, but I still have a lot of practicing to do before I start drawing objects, using simple shapes to construct those images.

That's all for now, see you later!

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